Gary Doninger presents the Paul Harris Fellow to Club Rotarian Charlene Jones.
Gary Doninger presents the PHF to Club Rotarian Roger Henderson.
Club Rotarian Steve Miller honors former Rotarian Wheat Wallenborn for 54 years of being a Rotarian.
Club President John Stafford presents Club member Randy Patterson with the Paul Harris Fellow.Incoming President Steve Wheeler presents his wife Charlene with the PHF pin. Far right is Rotarian Gary Doninger.Rotarian Gary Doninger presents Club Rotarian Susan Phillips with the PHF at a recent Club meeting.SML Rotary Club members pose for a photo after the second Highway Cleanup effort. From left, Roger Henderson, Steve Wheeler, Randy Patterson, John Stafford, Jim Buchanan, Jeff Schott, Steve Miller and Phil Green. Not shown, John Lietz (taking the photo).