It’s time for our Annual Charity Golf Tournament!!!When: Friday, April 26, 2024
Where: The Copper Cove Golf
Golfers are $100/player or $400/foursome. This includes a goody bag, cart, round of golf, and lunch.
We have lots of sponsorship opportunities as well! Proceeds benefit local charities!
To register or sponsor, please scan the QR code, contact a Rotarian, fill out the registration and mail it to our PO Box, or follow the link
https://www.zeffy.com/…/5f20f30d-41c5-48b1-abd2… (Zeffy will ask you if you would like to donate to their platform, you have the option to donate the suggested amount, change the amount, or zero it out.)Deadline for sponsorships is April 10, 2024. Deadline for registration is April 19, 2024.
We can’t wait to see you on the course again this year!