Congratulations to the winners!
First place winners- Seth Wilson, Joel Hill, Steve McBride, and Logan Gutierrez
Second place- Tom Illingworth, Aaron Van Allen, Jon Peery, and Bill Bodine
Third place- Phil Green, Cody Enmark, Danny Szczyrba, and Bill Pecoraro
Women’s Longest Drive- Evelyn Vaden
Men’s Longest Drive- Landon Prillaman
Women’s Closest to the Pin- Sarah Oelz
Men’s Closest to the Pin- Roger Thomas
Thank you to all the golfers who came out to have some fun on the course!
Thank you to all of our generous sponsors! Your support will help us to give back to our community.
Thank you to Billy and the staff and Copper Cove Golf Club for another great golf tournament!
Thank you to all the Rotarians and volunteers for countless hours of work to make another successful fundraiser!