Supporting local education, including outstanding teachers and students, is one of our most important long-term missions. Each May, the Rotary Club of Smith Mountain Lake hosts our Excellence in Education Banquet and Student Luncheon to honor exceptional educators and students from local schools. Last year the teacher’s event was held at Bethlehem United Methodist Church and the student’s event was held at Hotshot’s Grill in their outdoor pavilion.
Teachers of the Year
Teachers of the Year are selected from 10 schools in Franklin and Bedford Counties. They are chosen for their commitment to high-quality student education. We invite them to the banquet to allow us to honor them. Their principals and their spouses or significant others are also invited. Principals speak about why their Teacher of the Year was chosen. Teachers tell us about themselves, their backgrounds, and their passion for teaching. It is enlightening to hear their stories and to understand their dedication to giving their students a great education.

Student Scholarships
SML Rotary Club College Scholarships are awarded to graduating seniors from Franklin County High School, Staunton River High School, and Smith Mountain Lake Christian Academy at a luncheon to honor the winners. Scholarship recipients tell the club about their future plans in education and life. It is refreshing to share in the success of today’s gifted young people. Rotary is proud to support them by assisting them financially with their higher education.